Article on the twelve houses of the chart for the new student written by Pamela Gallagher, Soul Lifepaths, Inc.
ASTROLOGY - The Twelve Houses of the Natal Chart
1st House– I or Me (self of chart person)
7th House – You (the other person)
2nd House – Mine (what belongs to self)
8th House – Yours (possessions of others)
3rd House – Here (my immediate environment)
9th House – There (more distant places)
4th House – Private Life (my home base)
10th House – Public (my public life)
5th House – Love given (the love I give)
11th House – Love received (love from others)
6th House – Physical Health (the state of my body)
12th House – Mental Health (the state of my mind)
1st House – <Angular/action> Self, The I Am, one’s energy, personal views, one’s actions, one’s birth, motor coordination, the head, the eyes(in general) one’s walk, fifth child, impression one makes on others.
Additional ruling – Questions concerning the querent; the description of the querent; condition of a vehicle; health, accidents; state of a ship a sea; voyages; journeys of children (9th from 5th); friends of siblings (eleventh from 3rd); efforts to get ahead.
2nd House - <Succeedent/stability> Substance, material goals for accumulation of money and possessions, assets, banks, bankers, budgets, one’s earning capacity, shares of stock, stocks, wealth, precious stones, end of partner’s life, base of the skull, neck area
Additional ruling – all questions concerning money, wealth, or poverty; loaned money; loss or gain in movable things; denotes our posessions, death or wife or husband, partners or sweethearts (eighth from seventh), lost objects, personal worth
3rd House - <Cadent/adaptability> Relationships with relatives and neighbors, short trips, brothers and sisters,(especially first), cousins, advertising, all communications, contracts, conversation, correspondence, dexterity, one’s primary education, intellect, concrete mind, roads, mail, letters, lungs, radio & television, books, writers, teachers
Additional ruling – questions concerning siblings; neighbors, neighborhood; elementary education; cousins; writings, letters, rumors, gossip, mail carriers; friends or children; privated enemies of the mother or father (12th from 4th); long journey of lover, husband or wife (9th from 7th).
4th House - <Angular/action> Endings, personal foundations, home, house, mother, or father ,one’s birthplace, domestic life, family, buildings, agriculture, mines and miners, land, gardens, end of life, one’s burial(w/8th house), places of rest, outcome of anything, the womb
Additional rulings – questions concerning the father or mother of querent; land; houses; hidden things; things mislaid; gardens; the end of everything or end of matter; money of siblings, sickness of friends; (6th from 11th); purchasing or renting of land; buried treasure; farms; wells; mines; ancestry, old age, elders, the grave.
5th House - <Succedent/ stability> Life, enthusiasm, courtship, love, children (especially the first), parenting, births, betting, horse racing, circuses, entertainment, fun, films, theater, games, sports, hobbies, romance, creative self expression, pregnancy, youth, heart, and sides of body
Additional ruling – questions concerning children, pregnancy, lottery and games of chance; horse racing/betting; football and all games of recreation; contests; love affairs; death of an official (8th from 10th); mountain resorts.
6th House - <Cadent/adaptable> the physical ability to work, one’s health, healing , health profession, nurses, illness, nutrition, care of body, assimilation of food, , animals small and domestic, birds, armed forces, Army, clothing, textiles, craftsmen/craftsmanship, servants/maids, service to others, solar plexus
Additional ruling – questions concerning servants, pets and small animals, cause of disease and sickness; farmers; employees; appliances; food; hygiene; healing and healers; long journeys of persons in power (9th from 10th), connections with army and navy.
7th House - <Angular/activity> Relationships with partners, marriage and business, one’s mate, lovers, divorces, agreements, arbitration, lawsuits, litigation, judges, the judicial system, unions, public enemies, sunsets, veins, ovaries, lower half of back, kidneys, second child, third brother or sister,
Additional rulings – questions concerning partner; opponent, competitor; open enemy, astrologer of querent; personal counselor; fugitive; lawsuits; legal contracts and agreements; whether property loss with be recovered; description of the person the querent will marry; theft and description of thief; grandfathers (4th from 4th); children of brother or sister; the physician.
8th House - <Succedent/stability> Endings, death of the selfish ego & spiritual rebirth, death & matters connected w/physical death, life after death, suicide, morticians, wills, graveyards, inheritances, legacies, astral experiences, occultism, spiritual regeneration reincarnation, sexuality, sex organs, male, venereal disease, surgeons, rectum, taxes, taxation, alimony, bankruptcy,
Additional rulings – questions concerning death; procreative sex; surgery; injury; other people’s money; psychoanalysis, the occult; taxes, mortgages, loans; insurance; wills/escrows; pensions; money of the partner; sickness of siblings (6th from 3rd); legacies; investigation; the personal unconscious.
9th House - <Cadent/ adaptable> Life, urges toward spiritual learning, higher education, philosophy, counselors, churches, clergymen, faith, religion, colleges, beliefs, books, publications, texts attorneys, legal affairs, juries, courts of law, supreme court, travel agents advertising, imports, exports, foreign affairs, foreign countries, international commerce, long journeys, intuition, third child, grandchildren, thighs of body, liver
Additional rulings – questions concerning long distance travel; foreign countries; in-laws; higher education; religion; the clergy; horary astology; publishing; success of books; broadcasting; advertising; professional classes; court system; lawyers; weddings; science; dreams and visions; legal proceedings; health of father or mother (6th from 4th)
10th House - <Angular/activity> Substance, material goals obtained through profession, reputation, and honors, career, achievement, ambition, authority, chief executives, conduct in public, dignity, employers, a parent, power in society, presidents, CEOs, government service, vocations, one’s promotions, bones in general, knees & kneecaps,
Additional rulings – questions concerning kings, presidents; father or mother of querent; gaining of office employment; superiors/boss; judge; fame; success; reputation; public office; career moves; mother-in-law or father-in-law (4th from 7th); gain thru publishing.
11th House – Succedent/ stability> Relationships with friends and organizations, one’s hopes, one’s goals, civic organizations, sororities & fraternities, stepchildren, associates, companions, Congressman, legislative house, sons/daughters in law, fourth child, ankles, calves of legs
Additional rulings – questions concerning friends; groups; clubs; trusts; whether friends are true or false; income from career; one’s business clients; aviation; death of father or mother (8th from 4th); fourth child.
12th House - < Cadent/ adaptable> Endings, The subconscious and the completion of karmic relationships, asylums, institutions, hospitals, homes for aged, prisons, anesthetics, prisoners, welfare, suffering, sleep, sleepwalking, solitude, poverty, obsessions, occult organizations, large animals, habit forming drugs, alcohol, fears, hidden anxieties, karmic responsibilities, handicaps
Additional rulings – questions concerning seclusion; hospitalization; confinement; jail; prisoners; restriction; fear; self undoing; institutions; retreats; secret affairs; drugs/alcohol; invalids; suicide; murder; assassination; charity; animals larger than a goat; sickness of husband or wife (6th from 7th);
ASTROLOGY - The Twelve Houses of the Natal Chart
1st House– I or Me (self of chart person)
7th House – You (the other person)
2nd House – Mine (what belongs to self)
8th House – Yours (possessions of others)
3rd House – Here (my immediate environment)
9th House – There (more distant places)
4th House – Private Life (my home base)
10th House – Public (my public life)
5th House – Love given (the love I give)
11th House – Love received (love from others)
6th House – Physical Health (the state of my body)
12th House – Mental Health (the state of my mind)
1st House – <Angular/action> Self, The I Am, one’s energy, personal views, one’s actions, one’s birth, motor coordination, the head, the eyes(in general) one’s walk, fifth child, impression one makes on others.
Additional ruling – Questions concerning the querent; the description of the querent; condition of a vehicle; health, accidents; state of a ship a sea; voyages; journeys of children (9th from 5th); friends of siblings (eleventh from 3rd); efforts to get ahead.
2nd House - <Succeedent/stability> Substance, material goals for accumulation of money and possessions, assets, banks, bankers, budgets, one’s earning capacity, shares of stock, stocks, wealth, precious stones, end of partner’s life, base of the skull, neck area
Additional ruling – all questions concerning money, wealth, or poverty; loaned money; loss or gain in movable things; denotes our posessions, death or wife or husband, partners or sweethearts (eighth from seventh), lost objects, personal worth
3rd House - <Cadent/adaptability> Relationships with relatives and neighbors, short trips, brothers and sisters,(especially first), cousins, advertising, all communications, contracts, conversation, correspondence, dexterity, one’s primary education, intellect, concrete mind, roads, mail, letters, lungs, radio & television, books, writers, teachers
Additional ruling – questions concerning siblings; neighbors, neighborhood; elementary education; cousins; writings, letters, rumors, gossip, mail carriers; friends or children; privated enemies of the mother or father (12th from 4th); long journey of lover, husband or wife (9th from 7th).
4th House - <Angular/action> Endings, personal foundations, home, house, mother, or father ,one’s birthplace, domestic life, family, buildings, agriculture, mines and miners, land, gardens, end of life, one’s burial(w/8th house), places of rest, outcome of anything, the womb
Additional rulings – questions concerning the father or mother of querent; land; houses; hidden things; things mislaid; gardens; the end of everything or end of matter; money of siblings, sickness of friends; (6th from 11th); purchasing or renting of land; buried treasure; farms; wells; mines; ancestry, old age, elders, the grave.
5th House - <Succedent/ stability> Life, enthusiasm, courtship, love, children (especially the first), parenting, births, betting, horse racing, circuses, entertainment, fun, films, theater, games, sports, hobbies, romance, creative self expression, pregnancy, youth, heart, and sides of body
Additional ruling – questions concerning children, pregnancy, lottery and games of chance; horse racing/betting; football and all games of recreation; contests; love affairs; death of an official (8th from 10th); mountain resorts.
6th House - <Cadent/adaptable> the physical ability to work, one’s health, healing , health profession, nurses, illness, nutrition, care of body, assimilation of food, , animals small and domestic, birds, armed forces, Army, clothing, textiles, craftsmen/craftsmanship, servants/maids, service to others, solar plexus
Additional ruling – questions concerning servants, pets and small animals, cause of disease and sickness; farmers; employees; appliances; food; hygiene; healing and healers; long journeys of persons in power (9th from 10th), connections with army and navy.
7th House - <Angular/activity> Relationships with partners, marriage and business, one’s mate, lovers, divorces, agreements, arbitration, lawsuits, litigation, judges, the judicial system, unions, public enemies, sunsets, veins, ovaries, lower half of back, kidneys, second child, third brother or sister,
Additional rulings – questions concerning partner; opponent, competitor; open enemy, astrologer of querent; personal counselor; fugitive; lawsuits; legal contracts and agreements; whether property loss with be recovered; description of the person the querent will marry; theft and description of thief; grandfathers (4th from 4th); children of brother or sister; the physician.
8th House - <Succedent/stability> Endings, death of the selfish ego & spiritual rebirth, death & matters connected w/physical death, life after death, suicide, morticians, wills, graveyards, inheritances, legacies, astral experiences, occultism, spiritual regeneration reincarnation, sexuality, sex organs, male, venereal disease, surgeons, rectum, taxes, taxation, alimony, bankruptcy,
Additional rulings – questions concerning death; procreative sex; surgery; injury; other people’s money; psychoanalysis, the occult; taxes, mortgages, loans; insurance; wills/escrows; pensions; money of the partner; sickness of siblings (6th from 3rd); legacies; investigation; the personal unconscious.
9th House - <Cadent/ adaptable> Life, urges toward spiritual learning, higher education, philosophy, counselors, churches, clergymen, faith, religion, colleges, beliefs, books, publications, texts attorneys, legal affairs, juries, courts of law, supreme court, travel agents advertising, imports, exports, foreign affairs, foreign countries, international commerce, long journeys, intuition, third child, grandchildren, thighs of body, liver
Additional rulings – questions concerning long distance travel; foreign countries; in-laws; higher education; religion; the clergy; horary astology; publishing; success of books; broadcasting; advertising; professional classes; court system; lawyers; weddings; science; dreams and visions; legal proceedings; health of father or mother (6th from 4th)
10th House - <Angular/activity> Substance, material goals obtained through profession, reputation, and honors, career, achievement, ambition, authority, chief executives, conduct in public, dignity, employers, a parent, power in society, presidents, CEOs, government service, vocations, one’s promotions, bones in general, knees & kneecaps,
Additional rulings – questions concerning kings, presidents; father or mother of querent; gaining of office employment; superiors/boss; judge; fame; success; reputation; public office; career moves; mother-in-law or father-in-law (4th from 7th); gain thru publishing.
11th House – Succedent/ stability> Relationships with friends and organizations, one’s hopes, one’s goals, civic organizations, sororities & fraternities, stepchildren, associates, companions, Congressman, legislative house, sons/daughters in law, fourth child, ankles, calves of legs
Additional rulings – questions concerning friends; groups; clubs; trusts; whether friends are true or false; income from career; one’s business clients; aviation; death of father or mother (8th from 4th); fourth child.
12th House - < Cadent/ adaptable> Endings, The subconscious and the completion of karmic relationships, asylums, institutions, hospitals, homes for aged, prisons, anesthetics, prisoners, welfare, suffering, sleep, sleepwalking, solitude, poverty, obsessions, occult organizations, large animals, habit forming drugs, alcohol, fears, hidden anxieties, karmic responsibilities, handicaps
Additional rulings – questions concerning seclusion; hospitalization; confinement; jail; prisoners; restriction; fear; self undoing; institutions; retreats; secret affairs; drugs/alcohol; invalids; suicide; murder; assassination; charity; animals larger than a goat; sickness of husband or wife (6th from 7th);